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Picatinny Mount Range Finder, Picatinny Mounted Rangefinder, Picatinny Rangefinder, Products to avoid, Rail Mounted Rangefinder, Range Finder Mount, Rangefinder Picatinny, Rangefinder Picatinny Rail, Rangefinders, Reviews, Scope Mounted Range Finder, Sig Sauer, Vortex, Vortex Impact 4000, WMLRF

Unbiased Vortex Impact 4000 Laser Rangefinder Review – 17 Problems Buyers Can Expect

You can’t trust most reviews anymore because most are written by “social media influencers” who earn money from your purchases. They won’t tell you about any of the issues and problems with the Vortex Impact 4000. This is an unbiased… Continue Reading…

Digital Night Vision, DNT Optics, PARD, Picatinny Mount Range Finder, Picatinny Mounted Rangefinder, Picatinny Rangefinder, Products to avoid, Rail Mounted Rangefinder, Rangefinder Picatinny, Rangefinder Picatinny Rail, Rangefinders, Reviews, Scope Mounted Range Finder, Thermal optics, WMLRF, Zulus

DNT Optics Zulus Problems – ‎ZHD520R Night Vision Scope Review and a Viable Alternative

According to Amazon, more than 300 people bought the DNT Optics Zulus ‎in the past month. We think that might lead to a few disappointed customers. So what’s wrong with buying a DNT Optics Zulus ‎ZHD520R? 1. EXCESSIVE MAGNIFICATION A… Continue Reading…
