How Can We Help?
- How do I co-witness / align the rangefinder with my riflescope?
- Is the Sightlok RF-1 covered by any warranty?
- On your website you have three separate product pages for the RF-1 mount. What is the difference between the 3?
- Sightlok RF-1 User Manual
- What about recoil? Won't my rangefinder be damaged if I mount it to my rifle?
- What changes are planned for the Sightlok RF-1 Gen 3 model?
- What payment methods do you accept?
- Which rangefinders are compatible with the Sightlok RF-1 mount? Which are not compatible?
Smart optics
- Articles coming soon
Sig Sauer BDX
- Articles coming soon
Oracle X
- Articles coming soon
Recoil testing
Compatible rangefinder list
Co-witness options
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What payment methods do you accept?
We currently accept credit cards, Paypal, and multiple cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH). We offer a 15% discount for all purchases made by cryptocurrency. We will be setting up a cryptocurrency gateway shortly, in the meantime those wishing to pay by crytocurrency may contact us though our contact form.
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