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Rangefinders, Reviews, Sig BDX Rangefinder, Sig KILO5K, Sig KILO8K-ABS, Sig Rangefinder, Sig Sauer, Sig Sauer BDX, Sig Sauer Rangefinder, Sightlok RF-1, WMLRF

Review of Sig KILO5K – List of 5 Known Problems

Problem #1: Confusing & Deceptive Features – The Built-in Ballistics Calculator is Limited to 800 Yards. This is called the Sig KILO5K, and it has an Applied Ballistics calculator built-in, so many shooters assume they get firing solutions out to… Continue Reading…

Reviews, Rangefinders, Sig BDX Rangefinder, Sig KILO5K, Sig KILO8K-ABS, Sig Rangefinder, Sig Sauer, Sig Sauer BDX, Sig Sauer Rangefinder, Sightlok RF-1, WMLRF

Honest Sig KILO8K-ABS Review – List of Known Problems

Problem #1: Firmware updates can brick the KILO8K and Sig disables the unit if you don’t update the firmware. You’re heading out for a day of shooting, you connect to the App, and suddenly you’re forced to either update the… Continue Reading…
